Experience Archery
Archery Instruction
Not everyone is ready to commit to a full set of lessons without first having a taste of what’s to come, we get that! And if that’s you, then join us any Tuesday @ 7:30PM for experience archery.
Registration is as easy as
1 – 2 – 3
- Review the course information to ensure this is right for you.
- Register at the link below.
- Sign up! Once the booking link has been received, you have everything you need to sign up for your first class.
Each participant will be asked to sign a waiver prior to participating in our lessons.
March 2025 |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Register for Experience Archery!
SESSION 3 LESSONS – MAR 4 – 29, 2025
Experience Archery

Upcoming sessions: Cost $35.00 plus HST
1 hour 15 minute session
Who can attend?
Available to youth 10 years and older and adults. Youth between the ages of 10 and 12 MUST be accompanied by a participating adult.
All equipment will be provided for course instruction. Those who wish to use their own equipment should check with the course instructor.
Join us and start your archery journey today!
Program Details
Do you want to experience archery before you commit to lessons? Have a fun and interesting date night? Do something with the whole family?
Then our Experience Archery sessions are the choice for you.
Each lesson is one hour in length and monitored by a certified range safety officer. During the hour time slot an overview of range safety and etiquette will be introduced.
Join us weekly, Tuesdays @ 7:15PM, to experience archery and start your journey!
Tuesday March 25, 2025 @ 6:00PM
6:00 – 7:15 PM
Register (FULL)
age 10+ and adults
every week!
Tuesday , April 1, 2025 @ 6:00PM
6:00 – 7:15 PM
Register (12 remaining)
age 10+ and adults
every week!
Tuesday April 8, 2025 @ 6:00PM
6:00 – 7:15 PM
Register (12 remaining)
age 10+ and adults
every week!
Tuesday April 15, 2025 @ 6:00PM
6:00 – 7:15 PM
Register (12 remaining)
age 10+ and adults
every week!
Other Programs at XQuest Archery
Who can attend?
These 5-week programs are for individuals who have never shot a bow, taken formal archery lessons or need a refresher on shot execution. Lessons are available to youth 10 and older and adults.
Parents of youth under the age of 12 are required to remain at the facility while their youth is engaged in programming.
All equipment will be provided for course instruction. Those who wish to use their own equipment should check with the course instructor.
Join us and start your archery journey today!
Program Details
In level 1, archers will learn range safety and etiquette are emphasized and the FUNdementals of target archery are covered. The new archer can focus on establishing a foundation on which to begin to build their knowledge and skill. Topics covered are:
- Range safety and etiquette;
- Eye dominance;
- Stance (correct shooting posture);
- Correct bow hand position; and
- Facial reference.
After successfully completing level 1, participants of the level 2 program will be introduced to new skills as well as reinforcing the technical knowledge taught in the archery 101: foundations (level one) course. Emphasis will be on building a consistent basic shot routine. Archers will also be introduced to a basic warm-up routine.
And don’t forget that in level 3 we bring all of your lessons and skills together, building upon a strong foundation and propelling you forwards toward your archery goals.
All equipment will be provided for course instruction. Those who wish to use their own equipment should check with the course instructor.
Year Round Programming
age 10+ and adults

Who can attend?
Registration in this program requires a minimum 3-month commitment and is available to youth ages 10 to 17 years of age and adults 18 years and older. Access to the program is by invitation. Althetes enrolled in this program are interested in training towards meeting the demands of competition.
Equipment can be provided but archers would benefit from having their own equipment.
Facility membership fees are included in our fee structure but a current membership to Archery Ontario is required.
Program Details
Youth and Adult Competitive Programming
Our Youth and Adult Competitive Program is focused on assisting archers in building the discipline and dedication necessary to optimize individual skills in combination with training to realize personal goals and potential.
This program provides every participant with a chance to succeed through the development of long-term skills such as confidence, perseverance, sportsmanship, goal setting, respect, a strong work ethic and a sense of accomplishment in their abilities.
Archery teaches participants fundamental movement skills, fundamental sport skills and the ABC’s – agility, balance, coordination and speed – of physical literacy.
Archery’s Long-Term Archer Development (LTAD) model consists of seven stages.
- Active Start (0 years in sport) – Learn fundamental movement and link them in play settings
- FUNdementals (0 – 4 years in sport) – Builds overall motor skills with an emphasis on initiation, sport basics and safety.
- Learn to Shoot (1 – 4 years in sport) – Develops overall sport skills with an emphasis on development of form.
- Train to Shoot (2 – 8 years in sport) – Establishes an aerobic base, develops speed and strength, and consolidates sport-specific skills
- Train to Compete (4 – 10 years in sport) – Optimizes physical preparation and sport-specific skills, while learning competition and performance skills
- Shoot to Excel (7+ years in sports) – Maximizes overall skills and preparation while perfecting focus and flow, and shooting for rankings
- Shoot for Life (Any Age) – Encourages lifelong participation, whether competitive or recreational, in physical activity and/or sport
XQuest Archery’s Competitive Program will focus on the Learn to Shoot and Train to Shoot stages of Long-Term Archer Development.
Athletes involved in the Competitive Program should be shooting, at a minimum, one other session per week. Youth are eligible for competitive funding through our Competition Recurve Development Fund. (Criteria must be met to be eligible)
Entry into our Competitive Program is limited to 8 participants per category (Youth and Adult) and those interested should speak to our head coach.
Archers spend three hours per week with Coach Doreen Howes and Head Coach, Janice Clark
The Program runs on Saturdays from 1:30 to 4:30 pm.
Street to Range:
Drop In Program
Who can attend?
While we understand that finding a range to practice at can be difficult, we do still have some requirements that must be met before you can register for a drop in slot.
Persons looking to book a drop in MUST have taken and successfully completed the Range Safety Evaluation (within the past month).
for Youth 16 + and Adults
Provided that you remain a drop in, in good standing, you will not be required to re-fulfil the above requirements.
Good standing is defined as a member who attends regularly (at least 8 times) in a 3 month period.
You must also maintain an active Archery Ontario or FTAQ Quebec membership (depending on your province of residence).
PLEASE NOTE – if you book range time, without having fulfilled the above requirements, you will still be subject to the refund policy.
Guests are not permitted.
Program Details
The drop in program is for people who have already taken a formal archery class at another facility, or who have some kind of formal training, and just need a space to practice from time to time.
The required range safety assessment can be used to purchase a membership as well so this option exists to provide flexibility to your schedule.
So try our drop in program and sign up for your safety evaluation today!