Membership Information
“Archery is something that I took up later and didn’t know I had a natural aptitude for.”
Geena Davis
XQuest Archery offers three, six, and twelve month membership for range access.
Club membership are available to to adults who have completed the archery 101: foundations (level one) course or to youth who have completed the archery 101: foundation (level two) course. An evaluation is required for those wishing to join the club who have not completed the required course(s) at XQuest Archery you can book an evaluation…
Membership Policies
Members are able to use the range during range hours. Members are able to shoot during scheduled class times but range use will be limited. The Archery Range is subject to closures, please check the range calendar regularly to avoid disappointment.
Members will be issued a range id badge which must be worn at all times while active in the range. There will be a $10 plus HST charge to replace lost ID cards. Failure to wear your ID badge while active in the range will result in your removal from the range.
Members must have read and understood the equipment and range rules. Failure to follow equipment and range rules will result in a cancellation of privileges with no refund of membership dues.
All members must sign the member log in the Pro Shop before entering the range.
ADULT MEMBERSHIP (18 years and older)
2023 Membership Fee
$420.00 plus HST — 12 month membership
$270.00 plus HST — 6 month membership
$165.00 plus HST — 3 month membership
Membership is available to anyone who has completed the required courses at XQuest Archery or who has successfully completed a range safety evaluation.
Members are required to purchase an Archery Ontario membership (for liability purposes).
*NEW* 2023 FOB Access Fee
$60.00 plus HST — 12 month access (can only be purchased with 12 month membership)
$30.00 plus HST — 6 month access (can only be purchased with 6 month membership)
FOB access allows the member access to the archery range from 6.00A – 9.00P (latest you can be in the range is 11.00P).
To be eligible to purchase the FOB access you must either:
- have completed level 2 of XQuest lesson programming within the past 3 months.
- have been a member in good standing with XQuest over the past 3 months.
FOB access is not available to 3 month memberships.
Memberships can be purchased in the pro shop during business hours.
YOUTH MEMBERSHIP (17 and under as of December 31 of the membership year)
2023 Membership Fee
$260.00 plus HST — 12 month membership
$165.00 plus HST — 6 month membership
$95.00 plus HST — 3 month membership
Membership is available to anyone who has completed the required courses at XQuest Archery or who has successfully completed a range safety evaluation.
Members are required to purchase an Archery Ontario membership (for liability purposes).
FOB access is not available to those under 18.
Memberships can be purchased in the pro shop during business hours
AO / AC Membership Requirement
Proof of AO/AC membership required to join the club. Your Archery Ontario membership gives you liability insurance. To join Archery Ontario, click here
All members must fill out and sign a waiver. Youth under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign their waiver.
Prices are subject to change without notice. Xquest Archery reserves the right to inspect member equipment at any time. Failure to comply with range and equipment rules will result in a suspension of all member privileges with no refund. Waivers are required to participate in any of our programs and memberships. Youth must be the minimum age in order to participate.
Archery Club Rules
- It is the club member’s responsibility to sign into the range log for every visit (including guests).
- Members must abide by the range rules.
- Members are to assume responsibility for their own equipment; Xquest Archery is not responsible for lost, stolen, broken or damaged equipment.
- All minors must be supervised by their parent or legal guardian. Parents and legal guardians must be familiar with all range safety rules and may not leave the range while their minor is actively shooting.
- All vehicles that interfere with safe range use are prohibited (e.g. skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, inline skates, etc.) with the exception of service vehicles.
- No vehicles to be left on the premises.
- Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be refused permission to shoot and asked to leave the property.
- Members found to be contravening range policies will be given a warning for their first offence, fined for their second offence and member privileges will be cancelled upon the third offence with no refund of membership dues.

Come and experience the passion for archery